New Patient Registration

We welcome new patients to the Practice and you can register with us using the link below or, if you prefer, by collecting a paper form from the surgery to complete.

To register as a patient with Montgomery-House Surgery – CLICK HERE

The link will check that your address is within our Patient Boundary Map and are eligible to register with us.

Once you have completed the registration you will need to come into the Practice with one proof of ID and one proof of address to complete your registration (Driving Licence, Passport, Utility bill etc). For children we will need a copy of their birth certificate or passport so we can verify their name and date of birth.

Please allow 5 working days for us to process your registration before making a routine appointment – if you have an urgent issue, then please contact us. We will register you for Patient Online Services, and you will be able to get your log on details from our team.

We ask all new eligible patients to attend for an NHS Health Check appointment to establish your current state of health, check your blood pressure and offer further services as appropriate. Once registered, we will call you to book an appointment.

If you have moved from another part of England or Wales, then your medical records will be electronically transferred to us along with any paper records.  Patients moving to us from outside of England or Wales are asked to obtain a paper copy of their medical records, which can then be saved to your new medical record.


Practice Area

You can register at the Practice if you live within our boundary. Please see our Practice Patient Boundary Map.


NHS Number

Your NHS Number allows us to transfer your medical records to Montgomery-House Surgery and means that we can see your full medical history and best support you.  You can find your NHS Number on any letter from your most recent GP, a hospital or on other documents relating to your health.  If you don’t have a letter, your old GP Practice will be able to confirm it.


Temporary Registration

If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from a local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

Find out more about temporary registration


Overseas Visitors

There is guidance here for visitors from the EU Healthcare for visitors to the UK from the EU – GOV.UK (


Use of Texts, Emails and Messaging

To improve our service to patients we send some reminders by text or email, and encourage patients to opt in to this.

For further information on our use of texts, emails and messaging, and the safeguards in place, please see our Information Technology page.


Dispensary & Prescriptions

We dispense directly to patients who live more than a mile (as the crow flies) from a community pharmacy, you can use this tool to see if you are eligible and sign up to this service  Dispensary eligibility | Montgomery-House Surgery (

Our on-site dispensary is open between 08:30 and 18:00


Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

We use the EPS.  This means your prescription is sent electronically to whichever pharmacy you have elected to use, saving both time and cost as well as being more convenient for you.


Summary Care Record

Summary Care Record is an electronic record used nationally across England and is available to authorised healthcare professionals who care for you in urgent or emergency situations . This might be if you are ill when you are away from home or when your GP surgery is closed. It is based on your GP record and contains key information to support emergency care such as: medicines you take; any allergies you have; or any bad reactions you have had to medicines. This is now created automatically for you.  You can opt to include Additional Information, including significant medical history, medication, management of long term conditions, end of life care, immunisations and communication preferences (Sensitive information like fertility treatment STIs, pregnancy terminations etc are not automatically included unless you request them to be included). We recommend that you OPT IN to Additional Information being included in your SCR.  

The Oxfordshire Care Summary is similar, but contains additional information for healthcare providers you may have need to use in Oxfordshire (e.g. A&E, Out of Hours doctor, District Nurse etc). We recommend that you OPT IN to this.  

An information leaflet is available here for the Oxfordshire Care Summary 


Consent to Share Medical Information

For patients 16 years and over who wish to provide access to their medical information to a 3rd party such as a carer, family member or close friend, then a “Patient Consent – Share Medical Information” form is required. This can be printed from our website (see Practice Information) or is available from Patient Services.


Patient Online Services

By using our Patient Online Services you can make repeat prescriptions, or view any test results 24/7 on your mobile, tablet or PC.  For more information click here.