How to take a Blood Pressure Reading

Simple Steps to an Accurate Reading

There are a few simple steps that you can follow to be sure that you get an accurate reading of your blood pressure.

Where to purchase your blood pressure machine

1.      Purchase your own blood pressure meter. This must be a meter with a cuff that is on the upper arm not a wrist meter (these are not accurate). You can find lists of suitable accredited meters here: and

2.      Please follow the instructions to ensure that you have the correct sized cuff:


Before you take your blood pressure reading

1.      Many things can make your blood pressure rise for a short time. Make sure you do not need to use the toilet, and that you have not just eaten a big meal. Do not measure your blood pressure within 30 minutes of drinking caffeine or smoking.

2.      Wear loose-fitting clothes like a short sleeved t-shirt so that you can push your sleeve up comfortably.

3.      Always use the same arm for blood pressure readings, as each arm will give you a slightly different reading. If possible, use the arm that your doctor or nurse uses when measuring your blood pressure.

4.      Before you take your readings, rest for five minutes. You should be sitting down in a quiet place, preferably at a desk or table, with your arm resting on a firm surface and your feet flat on the floor.

5.      Make sure your arm is supported and that the cuff around your arm is at the same level as your heart. You may need to support your arm with a cushion to be sure it is at the correct height. Your arm should be relaxed, not tensed.

How to take your blood pressure using a home blood pressure monitor

1.      Put the cuff on following the instructions that came with your monitor.

2.      Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable. If you are anxious or uncomfortable, this will make your blood pressure rise temporarily. Do Not sit crossed legged.

3.      When you are taking your reading, keep still and silent. Moving and talking can affect your reading.

4.     For each blood pressure recording, at least two consecutive measurements should be taken, at least one minute apart. Additional measurements should be taken where the first two measurements are quite different.

  • Blood pressure should be recorded twice daily, ideally in the morning (06:00-12:00) and evening (18:00-00:00).
  • Blood pressure recording should continue for at least four consecutive days, ideally seven.

5.      Record your reading.

6.      Your average readings are then calculated by your clinician.

Please watch the video below to see how to take a Home Blood Pressure Reading

Submitting your Home BP Readings to us

If requested by our clinician you can submit your Home Blood Pressure Reading to us online here

What is Normal Blood Pressure?

As a general guide:

  • Ideal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg
  • High blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher
  • Low blood pressure is considered to be 90/60mmHg or lower

Further Information

For further information about blood pressure: